Every been in a place where the language you were speaking wasn't the language that everyone around you was hearing? I think I live in such a place.
It seems to go far beyond the difference between apples and oranges. In my world they are more like apples and brazil nuts.
I think that the more honest I am and the more of myself I share, the less honest people think I am and the less of myself people seem to understand. And I wonder how misunderstood this blog is or will become? If you don't know me or understand me, then how can you possibly understand what I write?
Is it truly that my perceptions aren't real...but everyone elses are? Has political correctness and southern hospitality taken the place of facts, reality and honesty?
I don't belong where I am . . . so why am I here? What is it that I have to learn before I can move on? Or maybe recognizing the need to part ways and then doing so - is what I am here to learn? Now that would be simple.
But then again, if I communicate that I am leaving - would anyone hear or understand?
OK....now even I have a headache.